Mrs. Hira KelshikarMrs. Anjali Atul BhagatMs. Sudha SharmaMrs. Rukmani (Prema) Srinivasan
Reiki Level 1 - Shoden Reiki Level 2 - OkudenReiki Level 3 - SHINPIDENCrystal Therapy Level 1Crystal Therapy Level 2Chakra Development WorkshopReiki Drumming Workshop Reiki and Cord CuttingReiki and Blockage RemovalIntuitive Healers CourseFive Element Reiki
Reiki Reiki and Drumming Reiki Drumming and Emotional  Reprogramming Reiki Drumming and Journeying Reiki and Blockage Removal Reiki and Cord Cutting Five Element Reiki Healing Crystal Healing EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques Equine Reiki Psychic Readings - Oracle Cards Distant Reiki Healing Important Note
Mrs. Hira KelshikarMrs. Anjali Atul BhagatMs. Sudha SharmaVibrant Energies

Testimonials for Mrs. Anjali Bhagat

Anjali Bhagat and I completed our Reiki level 1 and 2 together. She is a voracious reader and is always eager to learn more. Her healing energies are very strong and her calm and helpful attitude puts one at ease immediately. I have experienced not only hands on healing but also distance healing from Anjali - at the time when she was in Pune and I was in London. We have known each other for the past 30 years - our friendship has passed the test of time and since we both are spiritually inclined and Reiki/Crystal Healers we have decided to team up together to do what we love doing most - healing/teaching. I am indeed happy to have such a wonderfully powerful healer as my teammate.

Hira Kelshikar, Reiki Master- Teacher
Drum Healer - Teacher
Intuitive Healer
5 Element Reiki Healer
Crystal Healer
EFT Practitioner
Equine Reiki Practitioner.

When I was in the hospital in month of October 2010 (7th to 27th), I thought that my days in this world are over. I was not worried about my death. On the contrarily I was happy that without lying in the bed for months or years and years the end will be peaceful. But this was not so. Due to the efforts of Dr. Iyengar, as well as my daughters’ affection towards me, my health was improving. I had no pain or any trouble in my body. The smiling faces of all relatives and visitor cheered me up to pull on my days on the bed in the hospital. Special care from Geeta, Anju and Shaila was very much helpful in my recovery from illness. Mrunal and Geeta’s students’ help is unforgettable.

Later on I came to know that Anju was giving me Reiki regularly. Is my recovery the effect of Reiki? What ever it may be, I could get my strength back very fast compared to last time when same thing had happened. In 2008, when I was hospitalized, I had dreamt about my death. I had seen my last rituals. However, next day when I awoke I was sad to realize that I was alive but was also happy as Yuvraj’s wedding was in next week and there would be no hindrance for the same.

This time, in 2010 the sickness nights were peaceful and I am grateful to the Reiki treatment given by my daughter Mrs. Anjali Bhagat.

Mrs Nalini Padate


My mother was admitted to Balaji Hospital under the able supervision of Dr. Srinivas Iyenger of Vadodara in a very critical state with high CO2 accumulation in the body that had resulted in the lowering of blood pH. She is 83 years with cardiomegali and has suffered with colitis and mild angina. Her 30% lung is not functioning and she is given nebulizer every day. I informed my sister Mrs. Anjali Bhagat in Pune and she rushed to Vadodara next day morning. The condition was such that we were preparing our self for any possible eventuality. The doctor and his team were monitoring my mother’s condition continuously. Once the condition was stabilized, my sister Mrs. Anjali Bhagat started giving her complementary and alternative medicine in the form of Reiki while her friends in Pune Ms. Hira Kelshikar and Ms. Sudha started giving her distant Reiki. My mother was very very very weak. The Reiki and positive health therapy given by my sister and her friends gave her strength to fight the weakness and regain her strength surprisingly faster. Today, after two and half months that include 20 days of hospitalization my mother is back on her feet looking after cores at home that mainly includes managing four maids who are with her one after another for 24 hours and I am able to look after my job and related activities.

Dr. Geeta Padate
Head, Department of Zoology
Faculty of Science
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Vadodara 390002


It was the third day of our 4 day visit to Bhubaneshwar and I felt quite ill at ease since I was developing a migraine and acidity. I therefore told my friends including Anjali that I would not accompany them to the Shiva Temple in the evening (although I very much desired to!). Anjali told me to rest for a while and gave me Reiki and I fell asleep. A couple of hours later I woke up and I was near normal. I could accompany all of them to the temple. Late that night, Anjali gave me Reiki once again and the next morning I was as fresh as ever. Thank you Anju! Normally, I would have taken a couple of days to be back to normal.

November 2010